Need your comments/suggestions


New member

I'm new here, this forum seems to have alot of great members and i would like to greets everyones here. I'm a web developer since 4 years and i'm working on my own website since few months. I would like to receive your comments/suggestions about the current developement.

- TODO -

Header & logo need improvements.
Some subpages are not online yet.
Customer Portal is under developement.

Overall done at this time : 50%


Website :
As a designer, I like your design, I have a few things I see that I dont like. Message me on aim "integrahelp" and I will tell you.
Hello Sim
If you say its only 50% done i cant really say much more than what you said still needs work on, So far its looking good let us know when its finished and then we can give you a overall opionion.
Good luck with your project.
If anyone was interested in dealing with this person, my advice to you is stay far away. He is not willing to work with budgets and in my opinion his base prices are rediculous. I say they are rediculous because your dealing with a person that does not know the meaning of professionalism.
TheReason said:
If anyone was interested in dealing with this person, my advice to you is stay far away. He is not willing to work with budgets and in my opinion his base prices are rediculous. I say they are rediculous because your dealing with a person that does not know the meaning of professionalism.

You forgot to say "small budgets". Go buy a layout at We can't work for free just for you.
If anyone was interested in dealing with this person, my advice to you is stay far away. He is not willing to work with budgets and in my opinion his base prices are rediculous. I say they are rediculous because your dealing with a person that does not know the meaning of professionalism.

Hey are you there ? :)....
like the banner alot. the link was broken so I took the /site off it and it took me to the site. looks very nice.