Need a new strategy


New member
I'm going to start a new advertising campaign and was wondering if anyone has any good ideas. I have about 5000 to spend ont his campagn and have banners already made.
Well it depends. Do you want to use the 5000 in one month, or over a long period of time? What is your audience? Does your service appeal to all who see it or just a specific group? How much are you willing to spend per customer, and do you care about the quality of customers (Advertising in the low budget advertising section with the lowest price will get you a ton of host hoppers and people looking for a cheap way to send spam).
Is 5000 a significant amount to your company, do you have room to experiment? How have your past advertising experiences gone? Would you be happy to go with the magazines you've advertised in again?
You should analyze what exactly your looking for, then choose the best route, or go to an advertising firm and get their opinions.

As for great advertising ideas, I give advise but I keep those special things I come up with :)
I wish I had 5 G's to spend on advertising :)

But seriously, those are all good suggestions Rewdog. I had thought of a few of those questions for my needs, but you gave me a couple more things to think about. thanks.