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Do you have a limit on how many "units" your resellers can sell? If so, do you have multiple levels so that someone exceeding the limit can move up?
Do you have a limit on how many "units" your resellers can sell? If so, do you have multiple levels so that someone exceeding the limit can move up?

Yes we have limits to how many 'sub accounts' a reseller can have, but these are not set in stone, as any of our resellers can ask us through a ticket to increase these limits, we then look at the client as a whole and the amount of sub accounts they already have and if server resources allow and their request is not excessive we will increase their limit FOC, if its excessive for their plan then we will request them to upgrade plans to accommodate the increase they require.
When we had reseller accounts, the resellers were only limited based on the bandwidth and disk space provided. If they wanted to squeee several dozen accounts into their space, that was their choice to do so - however we didn't allow overselling of the limits either, so they paid very close attention to things.

Nowadays, our resellers are all on VPS servers, and as such set their own limits (aside from disk space and the massive bandwidth allotment we provide). They are allowed to oversell as everything is contained on one machine.
Yes our resellers still have to work within their space and bandwidth limits, because we keep the disc space on our servers at approx. 70% we give resellers an initial account allocation, which as stated if a clients asked for extra accounts we will grant these if not too excessive.
When we had reseller accounts, the resellers were only limited based on the bandwidth and disk space provided. If they wanted to squeee several dozen accounts into their space, that was their choice to do so - however we didn't allow overselling of the limits either, so they paid very close attention to things.

Nowadays, our resellers are all on VPS servers, and as such set their own limits (aside from disk space and the massive bandwidth allotment we provide). They are allowed to oversell as everything is contained on one machine.

I've noticed VPS Plans are far more popular to clients then Reseller Plans. I believe clients like setting their own limits, root access, etc...
Yes we have limits to how many 'sub accounts' a reseller can have, but these are not set in stone, as any of our resellers can ask us through a ticket to increase these limits, .

That is unlimited on the installment plan! For someone who enjoys bashing unlimited hosts for offering the same thing, or who advises people to stay away from hosts that do not specify limits, this is nothing but bold-faced hypocrisy. You can't have your cake and eat it to :smash:
That is unlimited on the installment plan! For someone who enjoys bashing unlimited hosts for offering the same thing, or who advises people to stay away from hosts that do not specify limits, this is nothing but bold-faced hypocrisy. You can't have your cake and eat it to :smash:

no its not, resellers have limits set, they can ask us to increase then and we may or may not increase them. if it was unlimited then clients would not need to ask and would just add as much as they want and overload the server.
We are considering making these requests as chargeable addons
That is unlimited on the installment plan! For someone who enjoys bashing unlimited hosts for offering the same thing, or who advises people to stay away from hosts that do not specify limits, this is nothing but bold-faced hypocrisy. You can't have your cake and eat it to :smash:

He said for a cost though so it is just like upgrading your account.
no its not, resellers have limits set, they can ask us to increase then and we may or may not increase them. if it was unlimited then clients would not need to ask

What difference does if make if you have to tick a box, send an email or make a phone call? If you can obtain hosting resources without limit then its unlimited -- even if you have to pay for it. If there is a limit to what you can ask for you should specify the limit. Isn't this what you have been trying to teach everyone?

Its not that I don't like this method of requesting additional resource. I am just pointing out the inconsistency of using the logic of unlimited hosting to an allegedly limited plan, while claiming there no such thing as unlimited.
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What difference does if make if you have to tick a box, send an email or make a phone call? If you can obtain hosting resources without limit then its unlimited -- even if you have to pay for it. If there is a limit to what you can ask for you should specify the limit. Isn't this what you have been trying to teach everyone?

Its not that I don't like this method of requesting additional resource. I am just pointing out the inconsistency of using the logic of unlimited hosting to an allegedly limited plan, while claiming there no such thing as unlimited.

My definition of unlimited is just unlimited disk space and bandwidth. Email accounts and MySQL databases don't really count.
What difference does if make if you have to tick a box, send an email or make a phone call? If you can obtain hosting resources without limit then its unlimited -- even if you have to pay for it. If there is a limit to what you can ask for you should specify the limit. Isn't this what you have been trying to teach everyone?

Its not that I don't like this method of requesting additional resource. I am just pointing out the inconsistency of using the logic of unlimited hosting to an allegedly limited plan, while claiming there no such thing as unlimited.

its a simpler way for clients to order extra rather than upgrade their whole plan

you look at a VPS/Dedicated server and now cloud servers when you order you have a configuration option and then after these are provisioned they will have addons where to can add extra space/bandwidth/RAM etc. which is just the same as what i an doing, but they just open a ticket and ask rather than we using them as addons.
My definition of unlimited is just unlimited disk space and bandwidth. [unlimited] Email accounts and [unlimited]MySQL databases don't really count.

How convenient :rolleyes2 (if you are one to claim unlimited doesn't exist and offer unlimited email and unlimited databases at the same time)
Do you have a limit on how many "units" your resellers can sell? If so, do you have multiple levels so that someone exceeding the limit can move up?

Yes, we have limits on the number of accounts that can be created under a reseller account. The limits can be increased/decreased by upgrading/downgrading the plan from the client area at any time.
Most resellers wont use over 30-50 accts tops but always keep your plans unlimited for selling value. Nearly all of them go into it thinking they will sell hundreds so if you have limits on how many accts they can set up, you will only lose potential business.
Most resellers wont use over 30-50 accts tops but always keep your plans unlimited for selling value. Nearly all of them go into it thinking they will sell hundreds so if you have limits on how many accts they can set up, you will only lose potential business.

We've had resellers rack up hundreds of sub-accounts prior to placing a limit on them, so be careful otherwise the one or two that do this, might bring down an entire server.

We place a limit on sub-accounts and use CloudLinux to contain resource usage per account.
This enables us to offer unlimited (as in un-restricted) domains per account without endangering the resources on the box.
We dont limit the accounts of a reseller as this could limit their marketing strategy (wont be allowed to make very small plans). Keep the limitations to the HDD and BW

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