How to assure max site load speed?


New member
How can i assure that my site will load super fast?
How to find company that with her my site will load super fast?
Is there a way to measure it?


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The best way is to limit the number of gifs and jpgs and other such things. Keep the pages mostly text and they will not only load faster, but be cleaner as well. :)

To measure how fast the connection is you should ask the host to give you a test file (10-15MB) which you then download over a broadband internet connection.
The only way to ensure a fast loading site as ldcdc suggested, is to cut down on the pictures and use text. Don't use pictures for colour backgrounds on your site - a table, row, and cell colour background can do just as good of a job, and load ten times faster.

You must remember that a lot of the world still runs on a dialup 56K Baud modem or less, so even if you do sign up with a fast hosting provider, those dialup's will see no difference in speed.
Also keep in mind that many of the $5/month webhosting companies oversubscribe their servers quite a lot, expecting that most sites will not generate many hits. If you end up on a server where even only a few sites are really busy, your site suffers as well.

I moved several sites from a dedicated server to, and the difference was quite noticeable!