Valued members and visitors,
I am very excited to announce that will soon become bigger and more hyperactive. Although part of it, this is not all about HER. In fact, this time it is not about just any specific person, you or me, but also about members of two other wonderful communities who are in search of something more grand.
During the course of last few weeks of personal talks with the owners (and my friends) of and (both brilliant communities btw), we discussed many issues surrounding the hosting industry, and, specifically, skills, resources and dedication it takes to run a web hosting forum that enables all of us to come together as one, discuss the issues/problems with a high level of maturity, find quick and smart solutions.
It did not take long before we realized that our communities were similar as far as our core competencies go. We analyzed a number of variables, including the quality of discussions, helpfulness of them and the level of user base maturity. Most critically, with increased number of priorities the owners of those two communities had, they could no longer provide the support and attention as they did before. Consequently, as Matthew of put it, their communities were taking hits they did not deserve.
Seeing how we all want to contribute in creating something that would yield more benefits for the hosting industry as a whole, creating a larger and a more active community became essential. Eventually I agreed to acquire both communities with an objective to continue building a strong brand that, and came to be known for – web hosting social platforms for mature, professional discussions.
Now, the merge itself is scheduled to take place within the next couple of weeks, but I wanted to inform all of you ahead of time and prevent any potential heart attacks of seeing your favorite community exploded with new content, activity and members that you haven't met before. Given the traits of two other communities, I have no doubt that we will all get along very well. Perhaps what's more important than positive feedback we have already received from some of the most loyal members of those communities, is that we are all united by our dedication and passion to this industry. Therefore, the level of curiosity and the desire to learn and share will come more naturally.
I will update this thread once I know precisely when the merger is going to take place (in order to minimize inconvenient downtime).
In the meantime, please feel free to PM/email me with your questions!
I am looking forward to making this process as joyful and pleasant for everyone (both arriving and existing members) as possible. :thumbup:
Artashes Toumanov
HD Community Director
I am very excited to announce that will soon become bigger and more hyperactive. Although part of it, this is not all about HER. In fact, this time it is not about just any specific person, you or me, but also about members of two other wonderful communities who are in search of something more grand.
During the course of last few weeks of personal talks with the owners (and my friends) of and (both brilliant communities btw), we discussed many issues surrounding the hosting industry, and, specifically, skills, resources and dedication it takes to run a web hosting forum that enables all of us to come together as one, discuss the issues/problems with a high level of maturity, find quick and smart solutions.
It did not take long before we realized that our communities were similar as far as our core competencies go. We analyzed a number of variables, including the quality of discussions, helpfulness of them and the level of user base maturity. Most critically, with increased number of priorities the owners of those two communities had, they could no longer provide the support and attention as they did before. Consequently, as Matthew of put it, their communities were taking hits they did not deserve.
Seeing how we all want to contribute in creating something that would yield more benefits for the hosting industry as a whole, creating a larger and a more active community became essential. Eventually I agreed to acquire both communities with an objective to continue building a strong brand that, and came to be known for – web hosting social platforms for mature, professional discussions.
Now, the merge itself is scheduled to take place within the next couple of weeks, but I wanted to inform all of you ahead of time and prevent any potential heart attacks of seeing your favorite community exploded with new content, activity and members that you haven't met before. Given the traits of two other communities, I have no doubt that we will all get along very well. Perhaps what's more important than positive feedback we have already received from some of the most loyal members of those communities, is that we are all united by our dedication and passion to this industry. Therefore, the level of curiosity and the desire to learn and share will come more naturally.
I will update this thread once I know precisely when the merger is going to take place (in order to minimize inconvenient downtime).
In the meantime, please feel free to PM/email me with your questions!
I am looking forward to making this process as joyful and pleasant for everyone (both arriving and existing members) as possible. :thumbup:
Artashes Toumanov
HD Community Director