Free SSL Lets encrypt installation on cpanel server


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The Let's Encrypt plugin allows you to automatically provision cPanel accounts with Let's Encrypt SSL certificates for sites that do not already have valid CA-signed SSL certificates.

Requiremenst Root SSH access to WHM i386 or x86_64 CentOS 6 or 7 (5 is not supported) WHM 11.52 or higher (CloudLinux and LSWS compatible) Remote access key has been generated (/root/.accesshash). If it is not present, simply visit the “Remote Access Key” page in WHM. Please note: cPanel DNSONLY servers are currently NOT supported.


To install the plugin, perform the following steps:

Log in to the command line via SSH as the root user.

Run the following command:

** /scripts/install_lets_encrypt_autossl_provider**
Thenselect Let's Encrypt as an AutoSSL provider, use WHM's Manage AutoSSL interface (Home >> SSL/TLS >> Manage AutoSSL).

Installing Letsencrypt for Server Hostname

First take a backup of your current SSL CRT directory first:

# tar -zcf /root/cptechs/var_cpanel_ssl.tar.gz$(date +%s) /var/cpanel/ssl/

Go to WHM > Service Configuration > Manage Service SSL Certificates and clicked "Reset Certificate" for each service to install a Self Signed SSL CRT.

Run below command in command line to issue new SSLfor services

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/checkallsslcerts --verbose

The system will attempt to replace the self-signed certificate for the “exim” service with a signed certificate from the cPanel Store. The system will attempt to replace the self-signed certificate for the “ftp” service with a signed certificate from the cPanel Store. The system will attempt to replace the self-signed certificate for the “dovecot” service with a signed certificate from the cPanel Store. The system will attempt to replace the self-signed certificate for the “cpanel” service with a signed certificate from the cPanel Store. The cPanel Store is processing the hostname certificate request. The system will check the cPanel Store again the next time that “/usr/local/cpanel/bin/checkallsslcerts” runs.

We can see the SSL CRT's have been requested for your services. The hostname for the SSL CRT will be with one that is currently defined in cPanel:

# whmapi1 gethostname|grep hostname:


While the process is not always this fast, after a few moments, we can see the SSL CRT's are ready for install. Then re-ran the '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/checkallsslcerts --verbose' command which would have been ran at maintenance time. You may verify at WHM > Service Configuration > Manage Service SSL Certificates.

You can verify SSL installation by running You can see a green padlock with letsencrypt SSL.

It is a great tool to have a free SSL, but you may get into some issue at times with some browsers though, have faced this in the past, where the browser does not recognize it, as it being a free one. Before you install, check what browser does it support because new updates of the browsers and refusing some of the free certificates to validate properly..
We don't use custom plugin; rather use official AutoSSL from cPanel. I try not to use unofficial stuff unless if I can help it.
AutoSSL from cPanel works pretty well. I've seen some quirks with it - but honestly - it works well enough for the most part.
well if you use cpanel and upgrade to WHM/cPanel 60.0 then you don't need Let's Encrypt as cPanel have AutoSSL.

which automatically places a DV SSL on all accounts on the server that does not already have an SSL and will also issue an SSL to the servers hostname and the Servers Service SSL certs all free and will even auto renew them

I can vouch to this. AutoSSL works as a charm! No need to install let's encrypt on a cpanel server.