Blesta VS Others


I know their is a lot of billing systems I am really liking the look of Blesta compared to WHMCS these days and the support for them is a lot better it seems and a lot cheaper for a yearly update

THe main reason for this post is due to Blesta vs WHMCS thread
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I know their is a lot of billing systems I am really liking the look of Blesta compared to WHMCS these days and the support for them is a lot better it seems and a lot cheaper for a yearly update

THe main reason for this post is due to Blesta vs WHMCS thread

I say go for it as both points are true. They even offer lifetime licensing as well (even with forever updates and support included). In addition these people are indeed very nice in support. I always go with services that include a nice community.
Blesta is going in the right direction,but until they have more modules,it will not be useful.I personally do not like their admin area.
Admin end is very confusing. Blesta need redesign their admin end. Also support module is very basic. They don't have any affiliate module/plugin.
I have used both billing system, To be completely honest I find WHMCS Much better billing system from the interface of the software getting to know and understand it to the support that WHMCS has. When ever I have needed to contact support for what ever the issue may be they have responded to my tickets quite fast.

Blesta, I used them for about a year or so. It was okay,I did not like there admin area at all needs to be re-designed when adding "addons" some time it couldn't find the addons that you were looking for, And when trying to contact support some time it would take a week to have the issue resolved. It is a few dollars cheaper then WHMCS but In the long run you get a much better product from WHMCS
Blesta, I used them for about a year or so. It was okay,I did not like there admin area at all needs to be re-designed when adding "addons" some time it couldn't find the addons that you were looking for, And when trying to contact support some time it would take a week to have the issue resolved. It is a few dollars cheaper then WHMCS but In the long run you get a much better product from WHMCS

What I find really irritating in most of these threads is people claim they don't have a lot of "addons" what do you need and did you tell them you need it? Or do you want a catalog of about 25,000 whilst you use about 5? They have a feature request forum to post what you need.

PS: Sorry OP didn't want to jump in as I did but that's 2 posts about "addons" and nothing about what they need or is missing.
I like the fact with Blesta is all you need is 4 active licences and you can set up a reseller account to resell Blesta or a lifetime licence and you can resell straight away.

With WHMCS you need a licence direct from them and them pay a min 5 licences ($78) a month
We're keeping an eye on the billing systems at the moment, as whilst our billing system is great from a flexibility point of view it's looking a bit old and stale.
We're keeping an eye on the billing systems at the moment, as whilst our billing system is great from a flexibility point of view it's looking a bit old and stale.

what billing system are you using as i know a couple that seem to be dead in the water as far as updating etc.
I have not had an opportunity to use blesta but from my experience with WHMCS, it felt as it is almost the complete billing application as far as a web hosting provider concerned.

I would be happy to see if someone can list out the major advantages of Blesta over WHMCS.
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WHMCS main advantage is it's connection to cPanel/WHM in my opinion. They might have a better access to the codes and future releases. Other that, modules and newer payment methods are very important for a billing system
WHMCS main advantage is it's connection to cPanel/WHM in my opinion.

well this may come as a shock too you but


ALL connect to cPanel/WHM, so this not an advantage of WHMCS
In my views, WHMCS is best.
Blesta, BoxBilling etc are not good from admin area and little but confusing.
WHMCS is little bit costly but easy-to-use.
WHMCS is the best because there are many extensions and is really complete. Blesta is not confusing, is easy...but there are no all the features that you can see in WHMCS
WHMCS is the best because there are many extensions and is really complete. Blesta is not confusing, is easy...but there are no all the features that you can see in WHMCS

Can I ask what features do you mean as Blesta has done a lot of work and its really reliable compared to rival billing systems
WHMCS is the best because there are many extensions and is really complete. Blesta is not confusing, is easy...but there are no all the features that you can see in WHMCS

what features are you on about?
all i can see is that blesta does not have the same amount of payment gateways etc. and i use WHMCS and also resell Blest.

I find that a lot of features WHMCS provides are pointless and just a waste.
I wish more able competitions will rise in this area because I feel that WHMCS has an undeserved monopoly or market share. They are okay, but could use improvements in usability, easier of use, update procedure, customer support respond times. I have not used Blesta, but wish them to increase their marketshare.
After the WHMCS hack and vulnerability debacle a few years back, I tried Blesta. Would have been a perfect time for them, but their importer just kept hanging and hanging. When you can't get something as simple as an importer right, it means it's time to just walk away.

Tried CE, same thing. Couldn't even get their importer to fire up, too many problems.

Needless to stay , I stuck with WHMCS. While their support is painstakingly slow, they do show remarkable improvement in the development cycle, even if it does mean increasing owned license costs every few years :(