beware of SPAM from brigantia (Heimdal Security)


Well-known member
For several weeks i have been getting spam from brigantia who use Flexmail to send them

so reported each one to spamcop and flexmail and their upstream provider Combell.

but these still keep being sent to me. then today i get another 1 and report it the same way, but then i get this email from combell

Dear Sir,
Dear Madam,

Thank you for your message. We don't believe that this message is spam as they contain proper links to unsubscribe or update your profile. Feel free to use the links to stop receiving these e-mails.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you still have any questions.

Best Regards,

Dietbrand Tollenaere
Combell Support

Tel: (+32)(0)9 218 79 79
Fax: (+32)(0)9 270 19 51
E-mail: *************
Website: ************

so this is spam as i never heard of them or signed up with them and yet their upstream provider wants me to use links in the spam ( AS IF I WOULD)
They've probably already sold your email to a dozen other spammers.

they will be in for a shock as reported them to the Metropolitan Police Cyber Crime Unit who called me to say they have been in contact with their equiv. in begium who are in the process of shutting them down
I always wonder how many of these types of spammers simply close shop and reopen somewhere else and do it all over again?
I always wonder how many of these types of spammers simply close shop and reopen somewhere else and do it all over again?

well Steve i think you are right about them selling my details

Must be popular today, i have 14 emails on my phone offering web services along with 3 phone calls from web development companies all witheld numbers this morning so far