Best Web Hosting Services For 2020!

Andrew Daniels

New member
Hey guys, today I will give you my opinion on what are the best web hosting providers in 2020!

I see a lot of posts about "which is the best web hosting provider", "how to know which is the best web hosting provider", "please help me to choose a good web host", etc, etc ...

If you are setting up a website, a good web hosting service is needed. It can take you a lot of time and money to find a good hosting service, particularly if you're confused by the features or pricing plans on offer for 2020. I have tested a lot of web hosting companies and I want to share with you what are some of the best web hosting providers!

In terms of reliability, quality, speed, and efficiency, I will introduce you to the 3 best web hosting providers that I believe stand out from the rest. Most importantly, we will save you time and give you quality information so you can determine which web hosting company you need and which one is best for you!

So let's start:
There are a lot of important things to look for when choosing a web hosting service, and these are first and foremost:
1. Cost
2. Uptime
3. Speed
After that, you can look at other features like
1. Customer support
2. Security and trust
3. Money-back guarantee, etc, etc ...

Looking for these metrics, My Top 3 Web Hosting Services Are:

1) Bluehost

Bluehost is a very popular web hosting service and one of the biggest hosting companies in the world, they are recommended by WordPress, and that tells you that Bluehost is a really good web hosting company

Bluehost price ( I will present you only the prices of Shared Hosting plan)

Basic: The basic plan allows you to host one website. It includes one domain and 25 subdomains, 50GB SSD storage and 5 parked domains. Also, you have a free SSL license and unmetered bandwidth. For the basic plan, you’ll pay $3.95 per month. This plan is particularly affordable, mainly for starter websites.

Plus: The Plus plan includes unlimited websites with unlimited SSD storage and bandwidth. You’ll also get an unlimited number of domains and free SSL licenses. The price for the plus plan starts at $5,95 per month. This plan is also affordable since you have a little better advantage and the price is a little higher.

Choice Plus: is a recommended plan and with this one, you have the same benefits as a Plus plan, but you also have site backup and privacy and protection for your domain.

Pro: It is the most expensive, that’s why it’s the best. With this one, you have high performance with all the benefits of the past plans. This choice will cost you $13.95 a month.
The shared plan is a kind of basic plan that every starter needs. As a beginner, you are quite pleased with Shared Hosting plans ( You don’t need anything better than this one to get started

Bluehost Uptime - Average 99.99%

Bluehost has an uptime of almost always 99.99-100% and that is perfect when you are looking for a strong and reliable web host.

(Let me explain in short what uptime is: Uptime is the amount of time that a server has stayed up and running. This is usually listed as a percentage, like “99,98% uptime”. Uptime is a great measure of how good a web hosting provider is at keeping their systems up and running.)

Bluehost Speed - 732 ms

Bluehost has a fast loading time of 732 ms. Speed of 732 ms is good for web hosting providers, of course, it can be better, but this is a solid speed.

(Let me explain in short what is speed - This is one very important feature of any website. Without it, you can’t do anything. Not only does it affect the user experience on your site, but it is also key to ranking your site in Google (SEO), and what is scientifically proven is that a 3-second delayed site can cost you 30-50% of your traffic.

2) SiteGround

In recent years, SiteGround has grown in importance and popularity thanks to its rapid growth. This company has all the services you may be looking for, and each one of them is excellent.

SiteGround Price ( I will present you only the prices of Shared Hosting plan)

Startup - It is intended to host a website and offers 10 GB web storage. It allows approximately 10,000 visits per month. StartUp plan provides you with free WP installation, automatic WordPress updates, daily backups, unlimited databases, free SSL as well as CDN and Email. It should be noted that it uses 100% renewable energy. Here you have a special price of $3.95 a month and it will only work for the first invoice only and the regular price of $ 11.95 a month.

GrowBig - (the best-selling plan). It allows working with unlimited websites and provides 20 GB web storage. It presents approximately 25,000 visits monthly. As a novelty, this plan offers dynamic caching, backup copies on-demand, professional site transfer (free), and staging. Also, you can add collaborators. The rest of the features are the same as the previous plan. Special price is $ 5.95 a month (also works for the first invoice only!) and the regular price is 19.95$ a month.

- This plan offers more benefits. It hosts unlimited websites offering 30 GB web storage and allowing approximately 100,000 visits per month. It provides all the benefits provided by the GrowBig Plan plus it has priority support, the highest tier of resources and white-label clients. Special price is $ 11.95 (works for the first invoice only!) a month and the regular price is $ 34.95 a month.

SiteGround Uptime - Average 99.98%

SiteGround guarantees you a 99.99% speed time which is incredible. It is one of those that offer a very high uptime! You will be more than pleased with this uptime!

SiteGround Speed - 762 ms

SiteGround has greatly improved the speed of its servers thanks to solid-state drives (SSDs), NGINX web server technology and more.

3) Hostinger

Hostinger is one of the cheapest web hosting services on the market. Hostinger promised to create a reliable, easy to use web hosting service that offers superb features, quick speed, and great customer service at an affordable price for all!

Hostinger Price ( I will present you only the prices of Shared Hosting plan)

Single Shared Hosting: This choice will get you 1 website optimized for WordPress, a free business mailbox for 6 months, 100GB bandwidth and 1X processing power and memory. You can get it for $0.99/month and save 90%.

Premium Shared Hosting: Premium shared hosting plan offers 100 websites optimized for WordPress, a free business mailbox for 6 months, unlimited bandwidth, 2X processing power and memory, and weekly backups. It can be yours for $2.59/month.

Business Shared Hosting: This Hostinger plan will give you all benefits from the Premium Shared Hosting plan + daily backups, free SSL certificate and 4X processing power and memory. You will pay $4.09/month.

Hostinger Uptime - Average 99.97%

Hostinger's average uptime in the past 12 months is between 99.97% and 100% and that is enough to put him in the top web hosts in the last few years.

Hostinger Speed - 749 ms

It is imperative that your website load quickly, fast page loading times are vital for any website users. Hostinger provides a speed of 749 ms which makes him a very good web hosting provider!

Some Good Alternatives:
A2 Hosting

I hope I helped someone with this post when it comes to choosing a web hosting provider.

Also, I want to hear your opinions, please feel free to comment and tell me your thoughts!

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you need help!

Andrew :D
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There are a lot of flawed conclusions in your write-up. Here are just a couple of them:

"I have tested a lot of web hosting companies"

Please let the community know what your testing process was like. We don't know how scientifically you approached the process. How many companies have you tested that you landed on three final picks that, coincidentally, are known to be among the ones with highest affiliate commission?

There are a lot of important things to look for when choosing a web hosting service, and these are first and foremost:
1. Cost
2. Uptime
3. Speed
After that, you can look at other features like
1. Customer support
2. Security and trust
3. Money-back guarantee, etc, etc ...

Why do you prioritize those three factors, before customer support and security? What good would a cheap company be if the customer service takes forever to get back and resolve an issue? How do you assess "speed" in relation to customer location? How did you test "security and trust"?

I hope you understand why I didn't read your actual reviews. I'd be more interested in learning about your review and testing processes before it'd have the potential to carry some value, to me.

We normally have a community rule that requires a member to provide their URL that they host with the company they are reviewing. But for the sake of this [hopefully] educational discussion, and the general nature of your "advice", we are going to skip it.

Hope you can clarify the above though.
1) Bluehost

Bluehost is a very popular web hosting service and one of the biggest hosting companies in the world, they are recommended by WordPress, and that tells you that Bluehost is a really good web hosting company

No it does not tell you they are a really good web hosting company. Bluehost like most of EIG brand companies pay for recommendations via affiliate schemes.

Research Endurance International Group (EIG) and you will find they have really bad reviews

2) SiteGround

In recent years, SiteGround has grown in importance and popularity thanks to its rapid growth. This company has all the services you may be looking for, and each one of them is excellent.

Siteground is popular because they have a very extensive and compressive FAQ/Knowledge base that a lot of hosting companies use.
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There are a lot of flawed conclusions in your write-up. Here are just a couple of them:

"I have tested a lot of web hosting companies"

Please let the community know what your testing process was like. We don't know how scientifically you approached the process. How many companies have you tested that you landed on three final picks that, coincidentally, are known to be among the ones with highest affiliate commission?

There are a lot of important things to look for when choosing a web hosting service, and these are first and foremost:
1. Cost
2. Uptime
3. Speed
After that, you can look at other features like
1. Customer support
2. Security and trust
3. Money-back guarantee, etc, etc ...

Why do you prioritize those three factors, before customer support and security? What good would a cheap company be if the customer service takes forever to get back and resolve an issue? How do you assess "speed" in relation to customer location? How did you test "security and trust"?

I hope you understand why I didn't read your actual reviews. I'd be more interested in learning about your review and testing processes before it'd have the potential to carry some value, to me.

We normally have a community rule that requires a member to provide their URL that they host with the company they are reviewing. But for the sake of this [hopefully] educational discussion, and the general nature of your "advice", we are going to skip it.

Hope you can clarify the above though.

Thanks for your comments, I'm just trying to help people with my opinion. I'm not saying it is 100% true, but these companies worked best for me. I'm using Bluehost and I'm very satisfied.
Just to get things clear, you never tested any of the companies, so the conclusion of "best" web hosting companies lies solely just on your opinion?
From your listed web hosting companies, I prefer Bluehost. Hostgator is also okay. I am satisfied using the services from these 2 providers.
Can't say I have used any of your recommended providers simply because I no longer plan to contract with any EIG brands. For me, competent and professional support rank first and not features or pricing. Hard dollar savings very often translate into soft dollar headaches. My experience with any EIG brand I've used resulted in migraines. No thanks.
Can't say I have used any of your recommended providers simply because I no longer plan to contract with any EIG brands. For me, competent and professional support rank first and not features or pricing. Hard dollar savings very often translate into soft dollar headaches. My experience with any EIG brand I've used resulted in migraines. No thanks.

Only EIG brand i have is Resellerclub which i had before they were taken over and it would be a headache moving all clients and domains to another provider, Even though i no longer host i still have active domain clients though resellerclub and SSL clients through SSLstore
I see you posted the SAME post on other forums also.

And the hosting that is working for you and is good for your it's not probably good for everyone. Example.. Maybe you don/t need 5 databases other user will need 10...
Not sure if there is a correct answer for that. It is all up to your personal preference. Do your research and look for Great no good support. Also the power they bring. Redundant? Dual power grid?
That SEO approach pushes people to write meaningless stuff - it only has be grammatically correct and not repeating.. I'm not saying they can't produce quality content, but it's rather habbit, you need specific amount of words and then you start like "best web hosting 2020 in my opinion".. We should admit, that people are way smarter than search engines so far, so we shouldn't downgrade ourselves just to produce stuff for machines.
In the real world their is no 'Best Web Hosting Provider' as a good host for you maybe a rubbish host for others and Visa Versa.

Any website that gives you a list of so called 'Best Web Hosts' is false as these have noting to do with reviews/statistics, but all to do with $$$. The more $$$ you give the lister the higher up the list you are placed.
You need to choose a hosting provider who's datacenter is geographically close to your target audience. Also a host that is fairly close to you, since you'll be the one accessing the hosting the most.
You need to choose a hosting provider who's datacenter is geographically close to your target audience. Also a host that is fairly close to you, since you'll be the one accessing the hosting the most.

Not always. I live in the UK and tried many UK DCs/providers and had nothing but issues. The best provider/servers i had were in Chicago USA
This looks like as a paid post for SEO optimization :)

Based on website of the poster (in his profile), I'm like 100% sure :)

Even I do respect most of the companies mentioned in the list, post itself isn't justified with any proper testing of specified providers.
This looks like as a paid post for SEO optimization :)

It certainly does, doesn't it? My gut feeling was the same the second I took a look at the post. I located the origin of the OP and he runs a website/blog on hosting companies (although a pretty short list of them).

In my experience, the OP did a number of things wrong with the post. Apart from all the constructive feedback received about his approach, which is now in public eye, he posted the exact same post across a number of other forums, diluting the SEO value of the post itself. Google, from what I know, doesn't like copies of the same content. So if the idea was to help the mentioned companies, it probably did the opposite.

I equally cannot qualify the post as a shilling attempt. We've had a bit of experience with shills over the years, and they would normally slide in a recommendation of the target hosting company that's not as established or known as the others they compare it to.

Finally, there are no active links, affiliate or otherwise, which doesn't make it as obvious.
Finally, there are no active links, affiliate or otherwise, which doesn't make it as obvious.

Wont need any links, will most likely get paid for mentioning these hosts in then same way spam forum signups get paid, just provide proof he has posted the content mentioning the host names in certain forums
Wont need any links, will most likely get paid for mentioning these hosts in then same way spam forum signups get paid, just provide proof he has posted the content mentioning the host names in certain forums

These are among the most mentioned companies in the business. The impact of one, or even 100 extra mentions is minuscule. Which is what doesn't make much sense to me. There are so many ways they can choose to market themselves, and often do. Hiring individual posters/bloggers seems too small of a strategy. Especially one that will certainly backfire, if a forum is properly run, or is full of professionals who can read between the lines.
These are among the most mentioned companies in the business. The impact of one, or even 100 extra mentions is minuscule. Which is what doesn't make much sense to me. There are so many ways they can choose to market themselves, and often do. Hiring individual posters/bloggers seems too small of a strategy. Especially one that will certainly backfire, if a forum is properly run, or is full of professionals who can read between the lines.

Yes. I can understand Bluehost (part of EIG) doing this as EIG usually do this with a couple of their brands just before they swoop and acquire another brand. i think their believe doing this draws peoples attention away from them