Average Price Per GB?


New member
Does anybody know the average price for 1 GB bandwidth per month these days? I'm curious and doing a study with an article about overselling and such :thumbsup:
Our data center charges $0.50 per gig in blocks of 100. Then we adjust that to turn some profit on that price.
Are you talking about average cost to web hosting firms or average price by hosting firms?
I'm talking about this in regards to the average price a Backbone provider provides to a client (such as a host). I hear that it has gone now down to .30/GB with some saying possibly lower?
This is directly correlated with the servers and services you are utilizing. If you are using an expensive bandwidth provider, then the prices will go up, and vice versa. On average however, they tend to be low, however, you can have a standard price for bandwidth, that you would expect from each GB, and sell the bandwidth at a lower price, if the resources available are underused. This will drive up sales and increase usage.

Once usage has reached a certain point, then the host can then raise the prices to the bandwidth to a more appropriate level.

So to ask what the average price is, is to ask a very vague question, as the price will vary wildly among hosts for the reasons specified above, and therefore the average will have very little value when evaluating a single host.

Hope this helps.
I'm not discussing about hosts as mentioned above Goody, I'm discussing in regards to carriers themselves. Ballpark range :D.
Ahh, sorry, I misunderstood the question there. In that case, I suppose it depends on what sort of connection you are looking at. 10mbps unmetered, 10mbps burstable, 15 Megabits, 20Megabits, etc.
So nobody here can tell me the average price :D? A ballpark range? I guess I'll have to contact Equinix here in Chicago to see their pricing structure :).
The range can get down to around $0.25 (or less) depending on the bulk amount of access you're talking about. For really small hosts, getting less than a DS3, you're probably talking around $1.50 per GB.