anyone tried advertising their hosting using the targeted and untargeted advertising

Has anyone tried advertising their site through the websites that offer targeted and untargeted advertising campaigns?

What were your results like?
What do you think about this as a method of advertising a hosting, or just hosting related site/company?

Don't they all use popups?
I don't think that gives a good impression of your company(Although I don't think there is anything wrong with it) and it's not very effective.
I know I just close popups straight away.

If someone has a popup blocker which would let the popups start up, but then kill them, would that count against your impressions?
I haven't tried it for a hosting business, but I did try it for Hosting Refuge.
It didn't have any effect on the signups or posts at all, i don't think anyone signed up from the targeted advertising.
I had it mainly set to the webmaster category, which is very targeted and I thought I would have got some signups at least.

I only put $30-$40 (can't remember which) into it though as I wanted to see how effective it was before spending too much on it and not getting results.

It could be different though for a hosting company..
Since most (I think all) of these companies use popups, popunders and other popup type ads, the viewers just automatically close the window.

How many here just right click and close once a popup stats to open?
I know I do :D

You would be a lot better paying for impressions on a banner ad, you are more likely to get people viewing it and people will remember the name, and you are more likely to get signups through that, well I would think anyway...
I think it is a bit of a waste of money to be honest.
Too many people wouldn't even look at the popup, plus I don't think the "targeted" ads are very targeted.
I haven't heard of anyone getting good results from doing these campaigns.
Maybe someone out there is...
Stephen said:
[How many here just right click and close once a popup stats to open? I know I do :D

Ha ha Stephen, I deal with this stuff every day at work. I would say for the past 3-4 months 90% of our in store repairs have been malware/virus removals. We boot these peoples machines up and get bombarded with popups. I know all I do is keep my mouse down on the taskbar and right "Right Click > Close" all the time.

Anyways... you bringing that up just made me laugh a bit. And since it is only 8:15 in the morning, anyone who can make me laugh deserves a reply to their post :)