A site is somehow directing to mine...but why??


New member
Please go to http://www.templatebase.net/rn/rnhost.htm
It is directing to my site and i don't know why.
At first i thought it was trying to take credit for my site in their portfolio or something, but there doesn't seem to be anything on the site.
I noticed a few referrals from there, so went to check it out but cant find anything.

You can't list the directory http://www.templatebase.net/rn/ I tried that to see what else they had in there.

It just seems weird and I can't work out why they are linking to me.. :confused:
I can't find any links. :o

I've also seen some pretty wierd sites linking to mine... without any visible links. Everything from Dutch real estate sites to Anime sites in Japanese. :confused:
Yeah I get the same thing..
I am getting a lot of car modding sites that are showing as referrals in my stats for some reason.
Really can't work that one out.
They are all seperate sites, but I can't find one link to my site on them.
Weird to have a lot of sites with the same content linking to me.
Always get unusual sites in my logs though, just forget about them now because I know there isn't really a link there :rolleyes:
The only thing I can think of is that the template and design sites are trying to adapt a tactic to get traffic from blogs. Various sites - usually porn sites - will create temporary links from their site to some high-traffic blog that makes it referrers visible, in hopes of snagging either some traffic, a higher pagerank, or both.

Maybe these web-service sites are trying this to "advertise" to hosts: set up a page like this, visit their site a few times, the host visits along the backlink to see what's up...and maybe-just-maybe decides to buy something from them.

Of course, I could be totally wrong...
Lesli said:
The only thing I can think of is that the template and design sites are trying to adapt a tactic to get traffic from blogs. Various sites - usually porn sites - will create temporary links from their site to some high-traffic blog that makes it referrers visible, in hopes of snagging either some traffic, a higher pagerank, or both.

Maybe these web-service sites are trying this to "advertise" to hosts: set up a page like this, visit their site a few times, the host visits along the backlink to see what's up...and maybe-just-maybe decides to buy something from them.

Of course, I could be totally wrong...

Wow, never knew people did that. :)
I didn't know they did it either.
Guess you have just given out your marketing secret for backlinks Lesli ;)

That is a very good theory though..could be true, seems like a good tatic.

So why would car modding site link to sites, or seem to, when they have nothing to offer and if they are normal, legit sites?
Lesli said:
The only thing I can think of is that the template and design sites are trying to adapt a tactic to get traffic from blogs. Various sites - usually porn sites - will create temporary links from their site to some high-traffic blog that makes it referrers visible, in hopes of snagging either some traffic, a higher pagerank, or both.

Maybe these web-service sites are trying this to "advertise" to hosts: set up a page like this, visit their site a few times, the host visits along the backlink to see what's up...and maybe-just-maybe decides to buy something from them.

Of course, I could be totally wrong...

Finally a reasonable explanation...

Ive been seeing ALOT of referrals from various "adult" types of sites - funny thing is, they are all hosted by the same company..

Was really starting to annoy me - Ive searched everywhere for an answer - and none of the experts ever gave me a reason that made sense... I cant believe the extent people will stoop too - but, that aside, thanks for the theory - it is appreciated...
Hey John..you must have forgotten I was designing a flash header for you at sitepoint..Remember me know (tbase)I took down the links when the contest ended....Sorry for the confusion..I seen this thread in my server logs...