404 Page Adverts


New member
What do you guys think of 404 page adverts (eg <a href='http://www.markcastle.com/doesntexist)' target='_blank'>http://www.markcastle.com/doesntexist)</a> ? We've used them for as long as i can remember and never had any complaints. We always configure a custom one for a client if they request it though.
It looks good Mark, I like the referrer script at the bottom too.

Basically Im like you, I have custom error pages on quite a few of my sites and am fond of them. I also use Apaches error log to see where people slip up.
Does this work? Currently i don't have them it just goes to 404 page not found but i run quite a few sites on which i could put the ads :) Had never thought of it before.
I have never thought of it before. But thanks for the idea.

Also, what do you guys think of redirecting domains that arent in use to your page ?

Like, redirecting aclientsdomain.com, to

www.*************/hostedby.php - which contains soemthing like, This DOmain Is Hosted By ************* ??

Mark, yeah, but even if the client has a reseller account ? I wouldnt like it if a host did that to me, because i dont think many people will feel confident of taking your hosting if you dont even have your own servers.

Nah, it's only ever been a default thing really... our clients all know it can be changed if they want it to. Some do - some don't.
We've never had a problem with it.

Obviously if you're selling reseller accounts or rebrandable accounts you probably wouldn't do it.