Difference between Cloud Hosting & Web Hosting


I am just wondering what are main differences between cloud hosting & web hosting? and why cloud hosting costs more than web hosting?

Thank You
Usually cloud hosting refers to a system of multiple redundant systems that form a cloud. With this type of hosting if there is hardware failure your site/data is not lost and won't go down. This is why it costs more...

Web hosting if you are referring to just regular shared hosting, is a server that is "shared" among many websites. One server may server upwards of 500-1000 different websites. If this server has a hardware issue all sites being served from it go offline. It is much cheaper because the cost of the server is covered by the amount of sites being served.
Cloud is an off-premise form of computing that stores data on the Internet, whereas a data center on-premise hardware that stores data within an organization's local network.
Cloud services are outsourced to third-party cloud providers who perform all updates and ongoing maintenance, data centers are typically run by an in-house IT department.

in normal hosting if VPS hardware crash you will not recover the data but in cloud hosting in case of hardware crash your data will move to other cloud safely .
There is an older thread here with alot of insights. I also wrote an article in our Knowledgebase many years ago but am not sure if sharing the link wouldn't violate the terms so I have refrained from it.
Web Hosting is the most common practice for hosting providers; websites are stored on their physical servers. This can be done through a hosting company or even on a local server or PC. The majority of hosting companies will provide this standard form of hosting.

Cloud Hosting, which is not really a thing. It's a marketing term. There is no "cloud"... it's all just someone else's computer. Hosting providers that tout on and on about Cloud Hosting are perpetuating a metaphor to attract customers.
Web Hosting is the most common practice for hosting providers; websites are stored on their physical servers. This can be done through a hosting company or even on a local server or PC. The majority of hosting companies will provide this standard form of hosting.

Cloud Hosting, which is not really a thing. It's a marketing term. There is no "cloud"... it's all just someone else's computer. Hosting providers that tout on and on about Cloud Hosting are perpetuating a metaphor to attract customers.
yes Cloud Hosting is still hosted on a server with a hard drive, with the only difference is that you only pay for the services/resources you are actually using and can upgrade/downgrade any time you want
a lot has changed over the years, today many hosts will put that Shared Server into a cloud of some time, and now even though its shared hosting, its in a cloud set up. Shared hosting is still sharing the CPU, RAM, etc with the many others on the same server.
We runs our shared hosting servers on Cloud based services, so effectively should the physical hardware the cloud server "sits on" fails, it is picked up automatically by another physical server and brought back immediately, which keeps hardware failure downtime to a minimum.
However, the magic is how the services are configured.

This approach does, unfortunately, eliminate any issues caused by bad server configuration by poor hosts.

So you still need to know what you are doing.

Otherwise you have a badly configured machine thats always up but not necessarily available.
If you design you application to use containers and loadbalancers then you can split your application over multiple servers and have it fault tolerant so that it continues to run in the event of node failures. More and more applications are running on this type of deployment. If you are interested in this type of cloud application then you should look at providers of Kubernetes systems. DigitalOcean, Scaleway, Azure, AWS, Google all over these types of cloud services, however they take more setting up than a basic website and will often include multiple webservers, a Redis/Memcache instance and replicating databases.

This is real cloud computing, where failure of individual components does not cause downtime.
Cloud hosting and web hosting are two different types of hosting services that are designed to host websites.

Web hosting is a service that provides storage space on a server for websites, so that they can be accessed over the internet. Web hosting services are usually provided by companies that own and operate servers and charge a fee for hosting websites on their servers.

Cloud hosting, on the other hand, is a type of hosting service that uses a network of servers in multiple locations to host websites and other web-based applications. Instead of hosting websites on a single server, cloud hosting uses a network of servers that work together to host websites. This allows websites to scale and grow as needed, without the need to invest in additional hardware or servers.
Cloud hosting, on the other hand, is a type of hosting service that uses a network of servers in multiple locations to host websites and other web-based applications. Instead of hosting websites on a single server, cloud hosting uses a network of servers that work together to host websites. This allows websites to scale and grow as needed, without the need to invest in additional hardware or servers.
the same way DNS clustering works, allows your website to remain online if 1 server fails
Your website will be stored on and accessed from a single physical server when you use web hosting. So it is totally dependent on the server's resources, which reduces its reliability.
whereas , in cloud hosting,, there is a network of servers, so you don't have to worry about it. if one server goes down, others can be easily accessed.